In this article we show you how to download and play the game for free. Also see: Pokemon GO troubleshooting | Complete guide to Pokemon GO.
How to download GoldenEye on PC: Get Steam and Source SDKbase 2007
As the game is built on valve’s very own Source engine, you’ll need a few components to make the game run the Half-Life 2 mod. The first is Steam, which is free to download and install. You’ll need to create an account if you haven’t got one already – click here to download Steam on your PC. Once you’ve installed Steam, hover over Library and click on Tools.
You’ll now see a long list of different tools, you’ll want to look for Source SDK Base 2007. Once you find it, right click to bring up a selection of actions and click on Install Game. You’ll now be prompted to install the tool, which is 3.75GB in size, so make sure you’ve got enough space on your desired hard drive. Once it downloads and installs you’ll be set to get the mod from Moddb’s website. Also see: Complete guide to No Man’s Sky.
How to download GoldenEye on PC: How to play GoldenEye on PC
In order to play the game, you’ll need to install the two above Steam components. You can now download the .exe installer for your PC. Head over to M oddb’s website and download the installer. Once the 2.04GB file has downloaded you can run the installer. Note: Screenshot taken before the game was released. The game is now available. Once you finish running the installer, simply run the game and you’ll be able to play your favourite N64 game all over again! We found the game to run very smoothly, be extremly well detailed and have a fantastic number of servers available. It should be noted that you will not need Half-Life 2 installed to run this. The game also will run on anything that meets Half-Life 2’s PC specifications, which are extremely low, even a potato can run HL2! Also see: Battlefield 1 release date.
How to play GoldenEye on PC: What’s new in GoldenEye: Source v5.0
The game has been around since 2009, received a big update in 2013 and now we’ve got another major update. In the fully multiplayer game, you’ll be able to play on 25 different original maps through various different game modes, such as the new ‘A View to a Kill’ and ‘Gun Trade’ modes.
The new version also introduced strafe running, which will make the game a lot more enjoyable to those used to traditional shooters. Within the game, you’ll be able to choose between different characters, enjoy high-detailed weapons and blast your way through achievements!
We’re super excited about the game and it brings back nostalgia of playing on our Nintendo N64. Let us know in the comments below if you managed to get the game running and your thoughts on it after having played it.